What is Savings.com?
Simply put, our mission is to help you save money everyday. Built on best-of-breed technology, we offer the best collection of coupons available online to help you find the best savings opportunities. At Savings.com, you are in control of a vast array of resources to help you find coupons and save money. From big ticket items like desktop computers and jewelry to electronics, toys and gifts - we help you search for the best deals available on the products and services you want. It's that simple.
How does Savings.com make money?
We get affiliate commissions from some of our merchants for some sales we send their way. However, we do not take this into account when sorting and prioritizing the coupons. If a member submits a coupon for a merchant that does not pay Savings.com a commission, we still treat this coupon like any other coupon on our site.
Where is Savings.com located?
Savings.com is headquartered in sunny Los Angeles, California.
What does “Activate Coupon” mean?
Offers with an "Activate Coupon" button do not require a coupon code in order to receive the savings. These offers are sale alerts to let you know that you can find discounted prices already marked on the store's website. In most cases, no additional discount will appear during the checkout process. Simply click the blue "Activate Coupon" button on Savings.com and you'll be taken to the store's website where you can do your shopping.
How much do you charge to use Savings.com?
Savings.com is a 100% free service. We NEVER collect bank account, credit card, or any other sort of payment information from anyone that uses our site or who registers to be a member.
..Are you sure? Because someone charged my credit card, and I’m pretty sure it’s you!
Positive! Please review your credit card statement carefully to verify the exact name of the company that's charging you. Contact their customer care department directly, and they should be able to help you remedy this situation.
I love your site! Can we advertise with you?
We’re glad to hear you’re enjoying the savings! Unfortunately, at this time all of our ad space is reserved for internal campaigns and for specially negotiated campaigns with our merchant partners.
How do I unsubscribe?
So sorry to hear you haven't been enjoying your experience with Savings.com. We never want to come across as spam. You can unsubscribe here
I’m confused. How exactly does Savings.com work?
We aggregate coupon codes, sale alerts, and other offers so you can find them all in one place. While browsing our site, you'll see three different types of offers...
Get Code - Offers with a "Get Code" button require a coupon code to receive the savings. Click the "Get Code" button, and a pop up will appear on the left side of your screen with the coupon code you need on it. Once you've got the item(s) you're purchasing in your cart, copy the code from our pop up and paste it into the Coupon Code or Promotional Code box on the store's website.
Activate Coupon - Offers with an "Activate Coupon" button do not require a coupon code in order to receive the savings. These offers are sale alerts to let you know that you can find discounted prices already marked on the store's website. In most cases, no additional discount will appear during the checkout process. Simply click the "Activate Coupon" button on Savings.com and you'll be taken to the store's website where you can do your shopping.
Print Coupon - Offers with a blue "Print Coupon" button require that you print a coupon and take it into a physical store location to receive the savings. There aren't many of these offers on Savings.com, but they surface occasionally.
Help! I can’t remember my password to login!
It happens to the best of us. Have your password emailed to you here.
I want to add coupons for our company to your site, but we’re part of an affiliate program. Who should I talk to?
Send us an email!
I signed up for you newsletter to get a discount, but I never got the coupon!
You need to sign up for the store's email to receive the coupon, not the Savings.com newsletter. If you've followed all the steps given by the store to sign up for their email list, and you haven't yet received your coupon, please contact their customer care department directly, and they should be able to resend your discount.
If you mistakenly signed up for the Savings.com newsletter and would like to unsubscribe, simply click the "Unsubscribe" link at the bottom of the last newsletter you received from us. Alternatively, reply to the last newsletter you received from us with "Unsubscribe" written in the body of the email.